patriarch > Messages > Congratulatory message addressed to His Holiness Bartholomaios, Ecumenical Patriarch, on the occasion of the anniversary of the name day

Congratulatory message addressed to His Holiness Bartholomaios, Ecumenical Patriarch, on the occasion of the anniversary of the name day

Congratulatory message of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania on the occasion of the anniversary of the name day of His Holiness Bartholomaios, Ecumenical Patriarch, 29 February 1940


Bucharest, 28 February 2015



Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome,

Ecumenical Patriarch


Your Holiness,


We warmly congratulate you on the occasion of your 75th birth anniversary, reassuring you of our brotherly love in Christ and great esteem for Your Holiness’ rich pastoral and missionary work undertaken in the service of the Holy Orthodox Church of Constantinople and of the whole of Orthodoxy.


Your Holiness’ prominent personality as a faithful and active follower of Christ prayer „that all may be one” (John 17:21) is well known and valued worldwide. Eager to confess Orthodoxy at international level, you are at the same time a tireless supporter of efforts towards rapprochement at interchristian and interreligious levels, as well as a promoter of human dignity and of the value of God’s entire creation.


On behalf of the members of the Holy Synod, the clergy and faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Church, We address to you our warm and fraternal wishes of good health and pray our Saviour Jesus Christ to bestow upon Your Holiness His rich gifts!


Many and blessed years!


With high esteem and brotherly love in Christ the Lord,


† D A N I E L

Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

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