
The Romanian Orthodox Church contributes to the restoration of schools
Let us keep the peace and unity of the Church!
The Romanian Patriarchate is solidary with the Italian people, afflicted after the earthquake of August 24, 2016
The Church Supports the families of the Romanians Deceased in Italy. Urgent Financial Aid at the Initiative of the Patriarch of Romania
Message of Condolences at the Passing Away of Her Majesty Queen Ana of Romania
A Symbolic Attack on the Christian Identity of Europe
The Romanian Patriarchate condemns the terrorist attack on France’s National Day
Call on the Authorities for the Return of the Two Romanian Children in London to their Natural Family
The Romanian Patriarchate expresses its solidarity with the victims of the Istanbul Airport attack
Message of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church
Patriarch of Romania: „Synodality must be a rule at pan-Orthodox level, not just at local level”
Prayer and hospitality at the Metropolis of Kissamos and Selino, Crete
Congratulatory message of the Patriarch of Romania to the Ecumenical Patriarch on name’s day
Patriarch Daniel about creation: Do not deform it! Do not desecrate it! Do not destroy it!
Decisions of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 6-7 June 2016
Blessing and Encouragement for Exams
The Patriarch of Romania offers up prayers for children and young people everywhere
Christian Family is a Blessing of the Love of God for Humanity
A CATHEDRAL FOR THE CAPITAL CITY. Precise and Important Data
Patriarch Daniel Prays for the Two Militaries Fallen in Afghanistan
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Anul omagial - 2024
Filantropia Bisericii
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