patriarch > Messages > The Media Mission of Basilica Press Centre Is Amplified

The Media Mission of Basilica Press Centre Is Amplified

Set up on 27 October 2007, under the protection of the Most Holy Trinity, Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate unfolds a necessary and fruitful media activity, engaged through its branches (Trinitas Radio, Trinitas Television, 'Lumina' daily newspaper, News Agency and Press Office and Public Relations of the Romanian Patriarchate) in the responsible service of the Life Word, which it announces in the Romanian space through media means. 

This year, 2013, Basilica News Agency celebrates five years of activity. It was set up at the same time with Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate through the news website at the feast of the Holy Trinity in 2008 (16 June). Basilica News Agency has become a kaleidoscope of the daily church reality, accomplishing its vocation to inform and form the ecclesiastic thought. In an epoch in which the internet becomes the most important means of mass communication, the News Agency of the Romanian Patriarchate reflects the reality of the Romanian ecclesiastic life through the news, messages, documents and communiqués it publishes. The photographs of the events and articles published are many times taken over by other press bodies which fact facilitates the good reflection of the dynamic church life in mass-media. Basilica News Agency is a point of convergence for the other branches of Basilica Press Centre, because the website of the News Agency is focused on the information of the church life, in a precise form and content, which combines the image, sound, and the written word. While using website the news can be seen by the people far from the country too, who cannot access radio, television or the newspaper at the same time.    

On the occasion of the anniversary of five years of existence of Basilica News Agency, we congratulate all its employees, as well as those who access the website of the Agency, and pray the Most Holy Trinity to bless their efforts to convey the truth of faith as light for a holy life lived under the sign of peace and joy, for brotherly love and collaboration on the way of salvation, for the humans' communion with God and with one another.

Due to its activity designed to convey information to those outside the strictly ecclesiastic space Basilica Press Centre has always contributed through all its five media branches to a Christian act of education and culture in the present Romanian society, the missionary vocation of this media patriarchal Centre having been doubled by a pedagogical - patriotic one.

 In this sense, Trinitas Radio which celebrates this year too, 15 years of uninterrupted broadcasting, continued to extend its space of broadcasting and implemented a new series of programmes. The programme entitled The World Today is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 13.00 - 18.00 by Trinitas Radio studios of Iași, Craiova and Sibiu, as well as by the local radio studios of Cluj-Napoca, Alba Iulia, and Timișoara.

Trinitas TV has diversified and renewed its programmes by introducing some new ones (Faith and Culture Today, Lights over Time, Christian Pilgrimages Yesterday and Today, Byzantine Legacy in Romania, Freedom and Christian Responsibility), as well as by implementing a new graphic set.

As for Lumina newspaper we notice an intensification of the activity of the Transylvania edition and launching 'Media Christiana' collection by which the articles published first in the newspaper are published then in thematic books at Trinitas publishing house of the Romanian Patriarchate.

The Press Office and Public Relations of the Romanian Patriarchate has drafted over 80 press releases during the last year, news, rights to reply and explanations in case of tendentious presentations or attacks against the Church, of some errors of information concerning the church issues or some other ones in public debate.

We convey all the employees and collaborators of Basilica Press Centre our appreciation and gratitude because, due to their activity transmitting the Gospel of Christ and the message of His Church in society, the light of merciful light will grow in the souls of many people.

We thank all the eparchies and donors who support this work spiritually and financially.

We pray Most Holy Trinity to help us continue to increase the missionary work of the Church in society, in order to bring light and hope in the people's life.

† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

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