- He was born on 22 July 1951, to parents Alexe and Stela Ciobotea, in Dobreşti village, Bara commune, county of Timiş. He was baptised Dan-Ilie.

- 1958 – 1962 – he attends the primary school in his native village Dobreşti, county of Timiş
- 1962 – 1966 – he attends the secondary school in Lăpuşnic locality, county of Timiş;
- 1966 – he begins the high school studies in Buziaş city, which he continues in Lugoj city, at “Coriolan Brediceanu” High School (1967 – 1970);
- 1970 – 1974 – he studies at the Orthodox University Theological Institute of Sibiu;
- 1974 – 1976 – he attends the doctorate courses at the Orthodox University Theological Institute of Bucharest, systematic section, under the supervision of Rev. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae;
- 1976 – 1978 – he studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Humanistic Sciences of Strasbourg (France);
- 1978 – 1980 – he studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the “Albert Ludwig” University of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany);
- 15 June 1979 – maintains the doctorate thesis at the University of Strasbourg, entitled: Réflexion et vie chrétiennes aujourd'hui. Essai sur le rapport entre la théologie et la spiritualité (424 p).
- 31 October 1980 – an extended version of this thesis, prepared under the supervision of Rev. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae, is maintained at the Orthodox University Theological Institute of Bucharest, with the title: Christian Theology and Spirituality. Relation between them and the present situation;
- 1980 – 1988 – lecturer at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey, Switzerland;
- 6 August 1987 – he joins the monastic life at Sihăstria Monastery, county of Neamţ, with the name of Daniel, Rev. Archimandrite Cleopa Ilie as monastic god father;
- 14 August 1987 – he is ordained hierodeacon, and hieromonk on 15 August 1987;
- 1988 – he is awarded protosingel and appointed patriarchal counsellor, director of the Department for “Contemporary Theology and Ecumenical Dialogue”;
- 1988 – he becomes Christian Mission senior lecturer at the Orthodox University Theology Institute of Bucharest;
- 12 February 1990 – elected Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Timişoara, with the title of Lugojanul, and on 4 March 1990 he is ordained hierarch at the Metropolitan Cathedral;
- 7 June 1990 – elected Archbishop of Iaşi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina;
- 1 July 1990 – enthroned Archbishop of Iaşi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina;
- 1992 – 2007 –Dogmatic and Pastoral Theology professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae” of Iaşi;
- 12 September 2007 – elected as Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church;
- 30 September 2007 – enthroned as Patriarch in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Bucharest;
- From 2007 he has been Pastoral Theology professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Patriarch Justinian” of Bucharest.
Founder of Institutions:
as Metropolitan at Iaşi (1990 – 2007) and Metropolitan Locum Tenens (30 September 2007 – 8 June 2008):
- Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iaşi (1990);
- Orthodox Theological Seminary of “Saint Pious Parascheva”, Agapia Monastery;
- Orthodox Theological Seminary of “Saint George”, Botoşani (1992);
- Orthodox Theological Seminary of “Saint John Jacob”, Dorohoi (1993);
- Orthodox Theological Seminary of “Saint Basil”, Iaşi (1995);
- Orthodox Theological Seminary of “Saint Constantine and Helen”, Piatra Neamţ (1996);
- Orthodox Academy of “Saint John of Neamţ”, Neamţ Monastery (1993);
- Post High School Theological Sanitary School of “Saint Teodora from Sihla”, Piatra Neamţ (1993);
- Post High School Theological Sanitary of “Saint Pious Parascheva”, Iaşi (1994);
- Research Metropolitan Centre of “T.A.B.O.R.”, Iaşi (1994);
- Pastoral-Cultural Centre of “Saint Daniil the Hermit”, Durău (1995);
- Ecumenical Library of “Dumitru Stăniloae”, Iaşi (1995);
- Ecumenical Institute of “Saint Nicholas”, Iaşi (1997);
- Memorial Museum of “Saint Paisie Velicicovski” from Neamţ Monastery (1997);
- “TRINITAS” Missionary Cultural Institute, Iaşi: Publishing House, Printing House (1997) and Radio station (17 April 1998);
- Centre of Conservation and Restoration of “Resurrectio” Religious Patrimony, Iaşi (1998);
- Memorial Museum of “Metropolitan Visarion Puiu” from Vovidenia Skete – Neamţ (1999);
- Memorial Houses: “Archimandrite Paisie Olaru” and “Archimandrite Cleopa Ilie” from Sihăstria Monastery – Neamţ (1999);
- Pilgrimage Centre of “Saint Parascheva”, Iaşi (2000);
- Museum “Gothic Hall” of Three Saint Hierarchs Monastery, Iaşi (2001);
- Memorial Museum of “Saint John Jacob the Hosevite” of Crăiniceni – Dorohoi (2003);
- Museum of “Lady Anastasia” – Gothic Hall of Cetăţuia Monastery (2005);
- Centre of “Jerusalem – Hozeva” from the Theological Seminary of “Veniamin Costachi” – Monastery of Neamţ (2005);
- “Albina” Rotary Printing Press, Iaşi (2006);
- Trinitas TV – Christian Orthodox Television station, set up in Iaşi in 2007, transferred to Bucharest the same year.
as Archbishop, Metropolitan and Patriarch in Bucharest (since 30 September 2007):
- Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, which includes Trinitas Radio, Trinitas TV, Lumina Newspaper, Basilica News Agency, and Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate, Bucharest (27 October 2007);
- Pilgrimage Centre of “Saint Paul the Apostle” of the Romanian Patriarchate, Bucharest (2008);
- Basilica and Trinitas Publishing Houses of the Romanian Patriarchate, Bucharest (2008);
- Initiation, support and supervision of the construction of the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation;
- Setting up of Pharos Printing House, Popeşti-Leordeni (18 March 2011);
- Memorial House of “Archimandrite Arsenie Papachic” from “Saint Maria” Monastery – Techirghiol, patriarchal stavropighia (2011);
- Modernisation of the Church Books Printing House, Bucharest (2012);
- Modernisation of the Holy Synod Library, Bucharest (2012);
- Setting up of “Dumitru Stăniloae” National Centre of Permanent Formation of the Romanian Patriarchate (28 October 2012);
- “Cuvântul vieţii” Publishing House of the Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, Bucharest (2008);
- Reorganisation of Bucharest Eparchial Centre (location and operation) (2011);
- Setting up of “Cuvântul vieţii” Galleries bookshop and shop (2012).
Founder of publications:
- Vestitorul Ortodoxiei (Orthodoxy Herald), periodical of church information, theology and spirituality of the Romanian Patriarchate, Bucharest (after 22 December 1989) while patriarchal counsellor;
- Teologie şi Viaţă (Theology and Life), magazine of thought and spirituality – former magazine of Metropolitanate of Moldova and Suceava, Iaşi (1991);
- Candela Moldovei (Icon Lamp of Moldova), official bulletin of the Metropolitanate of Moldova and Bucovina, Iaşi (1992);
- Lumina (Light) newspaper, the first Christian daily publication of Romania, Iaşi (February 2005, first publication);
- Vestitorul Ortodoxiei (Orthodoxy Herald), magazine of church information of the Romanian Patriarchate, new series, Bucharest (2008).
Initiator of projects or collective works of research:
- Învăţământului Teologic Superior din Moldova şi Bucovina (History of High Theological Education in Moldova and Bucovina), Trinitas Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007;
- Florilegii patristice: Lumina din inimi (Patristic anthology: Light in the Hearts), Trinitas Publishing house, Iaşi, 2003, 864 p; Light of the Holy Scriptures, Trinitas Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007, vol. I, 963 p., vol. II, 1.046 p.; Părinţii Bisericii, învăţătorii noştri(Fathers of the Church, Our Teachers) (vol. I). Publishing House of the Bible and Orthodox Mission Institute, Bucharest, 2009, 628 p.;
- Updating of the Statutes of the Romanian Orthodox Church (2007) and of the Regulations for its application;
- Correction of the Liturgy Book (2008 – 2012) and of other books of rite;
- Studia Basiliana, collection dedicated to the Solemn commemorative year of Saint Basil the Great and of all the Cappadocchian Saints, of Basilica publishing house of the Romanian Patriarchate, Bucharest, 2009;
- Mănăstiri şi schituri din Arhiepiscopia Bucureştilor – Pridvoare ale Cerului (Monasteries and Sketes of the Archdiocese of Bucharest – Gates of Heaven), Basilica publishing house, Bucharest, 2009;
- Domnitorii şi Ierarhii Ţării Româneşti – Ctitoriile şi mormintele lor (Ruling princes and hierarchs of Wallachia – Their Foundations and Graves), Cuvântul vieţii (Life Word) publishing house, Bucharest, 2009, 1.327 p.;
- Renewal of the collection entitled Părinţi şi Scriitori Bisericeşti (Church Fathers and Writers)
- Collection of photographs of the Romanian Orthodoxy (site online), Bucharest, 2010;
- Enciclopedia Ortodoxiei Româneşti (Encyclopaedia of the Romanian Orthodoxy), publishing house of the Bible and Orthodox Mission, Bucharest, 2010, 767 p.;
- Teologia Ortodoxă în secolul al XX-lea şi la începutul secolului al XXI-lea,(Orthodox Theology in the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century), Basilica publishing house, Bucharest, 2011, 859 p.;
- Ctitoriile Sfântului Voievod Neagoe Basarab (Foundations of Saint Prince Neagoe Basarab), Cuvântul vieţii (Life Word) publishing house, Bucharest, 2012, 247 p.;
- Sfântul Voievod Neagoe Basarab – ctitor de biserici şi cultură românească (Saint Prince Neagoe Basarab – Founder of Churches and of Romanian Culture), Cuvântul vieţii (Life Word) publishing house, 2012, 482 p;
- Istoricul Facultăţii de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul” a Universităţii din Bucureşti 1881-2012), (History of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Patriarch Justinian” of the University of Bucharest 1881 – 2012), Basilica publishing house, Bucharest, 2013;
- Albums – monographs of the deaneries of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Basilica publishing house, Bucharest: Deanery III Capital, 2009; Deanery II Capital, 2010; South Ilfov Deanery, 2010; Deanery I Capital, 2011; North Ilfov Deanery, 2012; Ploieşti Deanery (being drafted); Câmpina Deanery (being drafted); Urlaţi Deanery (being drafted); Vălenii de Munte Deanery (being drafted);
- Project entitled Cateheze pentru viaţă Catechesis for Life)
- Istoria monahismului ortodox român de la origini până astăzi(History of the Romanian Orthodox Monasticism from origins till today) (3 volumes) in collaboration with the Romanian Academy – to be published;
- Istoria parohiilor din Biserica Ortodoxă Română (History of the parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Church) (12 volumes) – being drafted;
- Dictionary of Church Music - to be published;
- Orthodox Bible Dictionary – being drafted;
- Orthodox Theological Dictionary – being drafted;
- Dictionary for History of Religions – being drafted;
- Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Române în context internaţional (History of the Romanian Orthodox Church in international context) – being drafted;
Organiser of symposiums, colloquies, congresses, exhibitions:
as Metropolitan of Iaşi (1990 – 2007), selective list:
- The first contemporary monastic synaxis of the Archdiocese of Iaşi (5-6 September 1990);
- National symposium of Sfântul Cuvios Paisie de la Neamţ (Saint Pious Paisie from Neamţ), Neamţ Monastery (1994);
- Armata şi Biserica – instituţii fundamentale ale unităţii şi continuităţii româneşti (Army and Church Symposium – basic institutions of the Romanian unity and continuity), Iaşi (1996);
- International Jewish – Christian Symposium entitled Morala socială a profeţilor şi spiritualitatea Psalmilor (Social Morals of the Prophets and the Psalms Spirituality), Durău (1998);
- Symposium entitled Dimensiunea socială a dialogului interconfesional (Social dimension of the inter-confessional dialogue), Durău (1999);
- Central Committee of the Conferences of the European Churches, Iaşi (2000);
- Iluminism şi isihasm (Illuminism and Hysichasm) International Symposium, Durău (2001);
- Mitropolia Moldovei 600 (Metropolitanate of Moldova 600), Jubilee Scientific Symposium, Iaşi (2001);
- International consultation entitled Authority and Authoritative Teaching of the “Faith and Order” Commission of the World Council of Churches, Durău (2002);
- Press National Colloquy for Biserica în mass-media şi mass-media în Biserică (The Church in mass-media and mass-media in the Church, Durău (2003);
- Symposium entitled Preot Dumitru Stăniloae – teolog al Ortodoxiei ecumenice (Priest Dumitru Stăniloae – Theologian of the Ecumenical Orthodoxy), Iaşi (2003);
- International symposium Drepturile omului – dimensiune spirituală şi acţiune civică (Human Rights – social dimension and civic action), organised in collaboration, Iaşi (3 – 5 May 2004);
- Religious Patrimony of Romania – European Spiritual Permanency. Specialisation Courses for the guides of the church museums organised in collaboration, Neamţ Monastery (19 – 26 September 2004);
- Rural Development in Romania – a New Beginning – International conference dedicated to agriculture, organised in collaboration with other institutions, Durău (4 – 5 October 2004);
- Inter-confessional Symposiumon the “Unchanged Word of God in a Changing World”, Iaşi (6 October 2004);
- National Symposium on the “Monument, Tradition and Future”, 6th edition, Iaşi (7 – 9 October 2004);
- The 12th meeting of the Joint Commission for Orthodox – Lutheran Dialogue, Durău (7 – 13 October 2004);
- International symposium on “Aspects of the spiritual life in the Southeast of Europe from prehistory till mediaeval period” – organised in collaboration, Iaşi (18 October 2004);
- International Ecumenical Symposium on “Christ with us: value of the liturgical life for today’s society”, Durău (9 – 13 May 2005);
- Jewish – Christian International Symposium on “Life – divine gift and human responsibility in the Jewish and Christian traditions”, Iaşi (15 – 19 May 2005);
- International Symposium on “Ethnic contacts and cultural interferences in the North and West of the Black Sea from the Greek colonisation till nowadays” – Rotunda of the Romanian Academy, Iaşi (13 June 2005);
- Symposium on “Church and State in Romania in Eastern Europe Today” – in collaboration with the Centre of post-communist studies of “St. Francis Xavier University of Canada”, Iaşi (5 – 6 October 2005);
- Exhibition of photographs and icons entitled “Eastern Light” – in collaboration with the Polish Institute of Bucharest, Iaşi (19 January 2007);
- Annual conference of the International Academy of Genealogy on “A Familial History Abroad” – in collaboration with several institutions, Iaşi (9 – 13 May 2007);
- Symposium on “Dialogue between Theology and Philosophy” – in collaboration with the Ministry for Culture and Religious Cults, Durău (15 – 16 June 2007);
- Conference on the “Ecological Agriculture, a Healthy Saving Alternative”, Iaşi (4 May 2007);
- Seminary on the “Present problems concerning the conservation and rehabilitation of the buildings with historical value”, Iaşi (18 May 2007);
as Archbishop, Metropolitan and Patriarch in Bucharest (since 30 September 2007), selective list:
- Symposium on the Significance of the War of Independence of 1877 for the Orthodox peoples in the Balkans, Patriarchate Palace (21 October 2008);
- Symposium on Saint Paul the Apostle, author of Bible writings read at the Divine Liturgy, Patriarchate Palace (23 October 2008);
- Exhibition entitled “Bible and Liturgy”, Patriarchate Palace, (28 October 2008);
- Symposium on Violence in the family and its social consequences, in partnership with the Ministry for Labour, Family and Equal Chances, Patriarchate Palace (11 – 12 December 2008);
- First thematic consultative symposium on the New Patriarchal Cathedral – Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation: architecture, structure, and cultural utility, Patriarchate Palace (15 December 2008);
- International symposium on Dignity and justice for everybody, Patriarchate Palace (13 December 2008);
- Anniversary symposium entitled Meeting in the Resurrection Light organised on the occasion of the anniversary of 10 years since the visit of Pope John Paul II to Romania, Patriarchate Palace (7 May 2009);
- The 3rd edition of the Symposium on the “Dialogue between Theology and Philosophy” on the theme Significance of the universe and value of human life – a necessary way for understanding life, Bucharest (14 – 15 May 2009);
- Consultation on the theme Social Assistance at Local Level – in collaboration with the World Council of Churches, Bucharest (18 May 2009);
- Inter-religious symposium on Diaspora – a reality of the present society, Patriarchate Palace, (29 – 30 May 2012);
- The 2nd thematic consultative symposium on the New Patriarchal Cathedral – Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation: architecture, structure, and cultural utility, Patriarchate Palace (26 June 2009);
- The 2nd National Congress entitled Christ Shared with the Children, Brâncoveanu Monastery – Sâmbăta de Sus, county of Braşov (1 – 3 September 2009);
- The session of scientific communications on the theme Romanian Christianity and church organisation in the 13th – 14th centuries, Saint Panteleimon Settlement in Lacu Sărat locality, county of Brăila (28 – 29 September 2009);
- International Congress of Theology dedicated to Saint Basil the Great, Patriarchate Palace (1-4 November 2009);
- International Conference for promoting dialogue in the field of social inclusion, Patriarchate Palace (17 – 18 November 2009);
- The 3rd thematic Symposium concerning the project of the New Patriarchal Cathedral, Bucharest, Patriarchate Palace (9 – 10 December 2009);
- Colloquy on the theme Word of God of the International Academy of Religious Sciences, Patriarchate Palace (26 – 28 August 2020);
- The 3rd national Congress titled Christ shared with the Children, Patriarchate Palace (2 September 2010)
- The 4th edition of the National Congress of the Faculties of Orthodox Theology of the Romanian Patriarchate, Patriarchate Palace (27 – 28 September 2010);
- Conference on the theme Global platform for theological reflection 2010. Unity and mission today: confessions and opinions of the marginalized, organized at the Patriarchate Palace in collaboration with the World Council of Churches (6 October 2010);
- Conference entitled Father Teofil – Father Confessor of Joy, Patriarchate Palace (8 December 2010);
- International conference on the theme State – Church Cooperation for promoting the concept of sustainable economy in time of crisis, Patriarchate Palace (12 May 2012);
- Conference titled Migration Policies in time of economical crisis, Patriarchate Palace (17 June 2011);
- Symposium on the Archaeology of faith. Archaeological research at churches of Bucharest and surroundings, Patriarchate Palace (3 October 2011);
- International Congress of Theology on the Christian Family, a blessing for the Church and society, Patriarchate Palace (1-3 November 2011);
- Conference on the theme Medicine and Spirituality – a multi-disciplinary analysis of the aged patient, Patriarchate Palace (19 – 20 April 2012);
- International symposium dedicated to the Sacrament of the Holy Unction and taking care of the sick, Patriarchate Palace (15 – 16 May 2012);
- Contest on the Orthodox Icon – light of the faith, Patriarchate Palace (21 May 2012);
- Conference on the Revival of the spirit of inter-aid and solidarity – to a lasting rural development, Patriarchate Palace (31 October and 1 November 2012)
A) Published:
- Atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea.... 12 Scrisori pastorale de Crăciun şi Paşti, (So much has God loved the world... 12 pastoral letters for Christmas and Easter), Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 1996, 97 p.
- Confessing the Truth in Love: Orthodox Perceptions on Life, Mission and Unity, Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 2001, 258 p.
- Făclii de Înviere – Înţelesuri ale Sfintelor Paşti (Resurrection Flames – Meanings of the Holy Easter), Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 2005, 183 p;
- Dăruire şi dăă din istoria şi spiritualitatea românilor, (Devotion and duration. Rays and light images of the Romanians’ history and spirituality), Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 2005, 439 p;
- Daruri de Crăciun – înţelesuri ale sărbătorii Naşterii Domnului, (Christmas presents – meanings of the feast of the Nativity of the Lord), Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 2007, 88 p;
- Brâncuşi. Sculptor creştin ortodox (Brâncuşi. Christian Orthodox Sculptor), Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 2007, 88 p;
- Comori ale Ortodoxiei. Explorări în spiritualitatea liturgică şi filocalică (Treasures of Orthodoxy. Exploring the liturgical and filocalic spirituality), Trinitas publishing house, Iaşi, 2007, 450 p;
- Făclii de Înviere – Înţelesuri ale Sfintelor Paşti (Resurrection Flames – Meanings of the Holy Easter), Basilica publishing house, Bucharest, 2008, 184 p;
- La joie de la fidélité, Ed. Cerf, Paris, 2009, 432 p.;
- Teologie şi spiritualitate (Theology and Spirituality), Bucharest, Basilica publishing house, 2009, 318 p;
- Misiune pentru mântuire. Lucrarea Bisericii în societate (Mission for Salvation. The Work of the Church in society), Basilica publishing house, Bucharest, 2009, 922 p;
- Libertate pentru comuniune. Lucrarea Bisericii în societate în anul 2009, (Freedom for Communion. Work of the Church in society in 2009), Basilica publishing house, Bucharest, 2010, 787 p;
- Credinţă pentru fapte bune. Lucrarea Bisericii în societate în anul 2010 (Faith for good deeds. Work of the Church in society in 2010), Basilica publishing house, 2011, 458 p;
- Lumina Botezului şi bucuria familiei. Lucrarea Bisericii în societate în anul 2011 (Baptism Light and family joy. Work of the Church in society in 2011, Basilica publishing house, 2011, 469 p;
B) To be published:
- Ştiinţa mântuirii (Knowing Salvation) – Mystic and missionary vocation of theology, publishing house;
- Arvuna vieţii veşnice (Foretaste of the eternal life) – Work of the Church inthe world, Basilica publishing house;
- Evanghelia slavei lui Hristos (Gospel of Christ’s Glory) – Sunday sermons, Basilica publishing house
C) Translations:
- Stăniloae Dumitru - Le génie de l’Orthodoxie. Introduction, Et. Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1985, col. Théophanie, 144 p.
D) Other works:
- Over 900 articles, studies, speeches, prefaces in Romanian;
- 45 studies and articles in French;
- 35 studies and articles in English;
- 19 studies and articles in German;
- 14 studies and articles published in other languages
E) He participated in over 120 symposiums, congresses, conferences, colloquies or national and international meetings.
1. Initiator, supporter and coordinator of cultural, educational and social programmes: Iaşi, as Metropolitan (1990 – 2007) and as Metropolitan locum tenens (30 September 2007 – 8 June 2008);
- Consolidation and restoration of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Iaşi, initiated in the year 1995;
- Enrolling Iaşi city in the Pilgrim 2000 international pilgrimage programme, besides three other cities of Europe (2000);
- Study journey to Greece of a group of professors of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae”
- Pilgrimage of studies to Constantinople and Asia Minor of a group of professors from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae”
- Pilgrimage to Mount Athos of a group of monks from Sihăstria Monastery and from the Metropolitan Cathedral of Iaşi (May 2003);
- Religious patrimony of Romania – spiritual permanence. Training courses of the museum guides for the church museum, Neamţ Monastery (19 – 26 September 2004);
- Courses of ecclesiastic English language at the Ecumenical Institute of “Saint Nicholas” – Iaşi;
- Programme of Rural Development and Financing, Iaşi (2005);
- Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Egypt of a group of professors of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae”
- Christ shared with the Children – international catechetic project in partnership with the World Vision organisation (2006);
- Courses for preparing the staff of the religious museums of Romania, in partnership with the Ministry for Culture and Religious Affairs, Iaşi (19 June – 1 July 2006);
- Setting up of the Consultative Missionary Council of the Archdiocese of Iaşi, Iaşi Eparchial Centre (17 June 2006);
- For enriching the fruits of the earth. Programmes of agriculture and silviculture for developing and sustaining the economical activity within the monasteries, in collaboration with the Ministry for Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, Bistriţa Monastery (23 June 2006);
- Courses for preparing the priests to access the European funds, in collaboration with the Regional Centre of Rural Development of Iaşi (2-6 October 2006);
- Journey of study to Egypt and Jordan of a group of professors from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae”
- Modernisation of the printing press of Golia Monastery of Iaşi (2007 – 2008);
- Organisation of a new studio of Trinitas Radio station in the precincts of Iaşi Eparchial Centre (7 June 2008);
Bucharest, as Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea and Patriarch of Romania (2007 – so far):
- Protocol of cooperation of the Romanian Orthodox Church with the Government of Romania in the field of social inclusion, especially for aiding the persons in distress (2 October 2007);
- Choral contest named Young people, praise the Lord! for the choruses of the Orthodox Seminaries and Theological Faculties of the Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrudgea (2008);
- National contest of church music entitled Praise the Lord!
- National project entitled Christ shared with the Children – programme of catechesis in every parish (2008);
- Choose school! social-educational project designed to prevent and combat school abandon, in collaboration with World Vision international organisation;
- Social enterprises for the social integration of the former prisoners project, in collaboration with “Filantropia” Federation and the National Administration of the Prisons;
- Integration in the work market of the trafficked persons project;
- Protocol on the 5 years time partnership between the Romanian Patriarchate, Archdiocese of Bucharest, and the local Council of district I City Hall of Bucharest, concerning the construction of churches, restoration of places of worship, as well as implementation of social activities (13 June 2008);
- Protocol concerning partnership of 5 years time between the Romanian Patriarchate, Archdiocese of Bucharest and local Council of district II City Hall of Bucharest, concerning the construction of churches, restoration of places of worship, as well as implementation of some social activities, approved by decision no 77/2010 (16 June 2010);
- Conventions nos 4631/22.12.2010, 2975/10.11.2011 and 883/12.04.2012 concluded with the City Hall of Bucharest between the Administration of the Monuments and Tourist Patrimony of Bucharest City Hall and the Patriarchal Administration;
- Social and pastoral programme in time of crisis (Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 7 July 2010);
- Measures designed to support the priests’ families and the poor parishes (Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 7 July 2010);
- Project entitled Territorial network of Christian providers of social services – strategic partners in the field of social inclusion, in collaboration with “Filantropia” Federation and the International Organisation of Christian Orthodox Charity – IOCC;
- “Choose school!” social – educational project extended to national level designed to prevent and combat school abandon, in collaboration with World Vision (1 September 2010);
- Project entitled Together for better social services in collaboration with Filantropia Federation and IOCC (10 November 2010);
- FORTE project – Lasting formation for social partnership (15 March 2011);
- Protocol of cooperation for promoting culture and national identity between the Romanian Patriarchate and the Romanian Television (26 September 2013)
Founder of institutions as Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina:
- “Saint Pantelimon” dental surgery, Iaşi (1993);
- Association of the Orthodox Physicians and Chemists of Romania, AMFOR, Iaşi (1993);
- Canteens for the poor people in Iaşi, Paşcani, Dorohoi, Hârlău (1993 – 1995);
- “The Pilgrim” Christian Association, Iaşi (1996);
- Policlinic dispensary of “Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles”, Iaşi (1998);
- “Providence” Centre of Diagnosis and Treatment, Iaşi (2000);
- “Albina” (the Bee) factory of candles, Iaşi – 2001 (financial source of these activities);
- “Providence II” Centre of medical education and information, Iaşi (2002);
- “Diaconia” Social – Charitable Institute, Iaşi (2003);
- “Solidarity and Hope” Foundation, Iaşi (2002);
- “Saint Paisie of Neamţ” Social-cultural Centre, Neamţ Monastery (2004);
- “Saint Elijah” Social-cultural Centre, Miclăuşeni Monastery (2005);
Founder of institutions as Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (from 2007 so far)
- The new factory of candles of “Flame of the Romanian Saints”, Bucharest – 28 October 2008 (financial source of these activities);
- Administrative organisation of the Representation of the Romanian Orthodox Church at the European Institutions, Brussels, Belgium (2009);
- Centre of Bible studies and Pilgrimages of “Saint John Jacob” within the Romanian Settlement of Jericho;
- Centre of “Saint Dionysius Exiguous”
- “Dumitru Stăniloae” Centres of Orthodox Studies (Theology, Spirituality, Culture), the first in Paris, within the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Paris, the second within the Representation of the Romanian Patriarchate in Brussels, and the third in Vienna (Romanian Orthodox chapel);
- The Pastoral – Missionary Centre of Social Assistance of Gyula, within the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Hungary;
- “Choose school!” social – educational project designed to prevent and combat school abandon (20 June 2009);
- Centre of preparation for Patrimony of “Saint Constantin Brâncoveanu”
- “Dinner of Joy” programme of alimentary aid initiated by the Romanian Patriarchate (2009);
- Social-cultural centre of “Saint Andrew the Apostle”
- Pilgrimage Centre of “Saint Paul the Apostle”
- “Basilica Travel” tourism agency of the Romanian Patriarchate (2008);
- Social pastoral centre of “Saint Mary” – Techirghiol, of the Romanian Patriarchate (2008);
- Social-pastoral Centre of “Saint Great Prophet Elijah the Tishbite” – Călimăneşti (2008);
- Social – medical Centre of “Saint Great Martyr Pantelimon” – Olăneşti (2008);
- Modernisation of the centre of rest and balneal treatment of “Saint Pantelimon” – Techirghiol, of the Romanian Patriarchate (2009);
- Social – cultural Centre of “Patriarch Miron”, Dragoslavele of the Romanian Patriarchate, county of Argeş (2009);
- Social – pastoral Centre of the “Holy Trinity” – Buşteni, of the Archdiocese of Bucharest (2008);
- Social – cultural Centre of “Saint Hierarch Calinic from Cernica”
- Social – cultural Centre of “Patriarch
- Social – medical Centre of “Saint Spiridon – the Old”
- Daily Centre for Children of “Saint Stelian” (“Joy of Help” Foundation) of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Bucharest (2011);
- Social – cultural Centre of “Saint Hierarch Nectarie”
- Daily centre for children of “Saint Martyr Sofia”
- Residential centre for aged persons of “Saint Silvestru” of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Bucharest (2013)
Supporter of:
- ·Christian Orthodox Students’ Association of Romania (in Romanian ASCOR);
- ·Romanian Orthodox Brotherhood (in Romanian FOR);
- ·National Orthodox Society of the Romanian Women (in Romanian SNFOR) at present (SFOR);
- ·Romanian Orthodox Youth League (in Romanian LTOR)
a) Bringing particles of the relics of saints to Iaşi:
- 1992 – particle of the Holy Cross wood kept at Xiropotamu Monastery of Mount Athos (Greece);
- 1996 – relics of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Patras (Greece);
- 2000 – relics of Saint Great Martyr George, Lividia (Greece);
- 2000 – relics of Saint Hierarch Basil the Great and Saint Gregory the Theologian from Bucharest;
- 2001 – Belt of the Mother of God, Volos (Greece);
- 2002 – relics of Saint John Casian, Marseille (France);
- 2004 – particle of the wood of the Holy Cross kept at Panaghia Monastery Soumela, Veria (Greece);
- 2005 – relics of Saint Paul the Apostle, Veria (Greece);
- 2006 – relics of Saint Nectarie from Egyna (Greece);
- 2007 – relics of Saint John Chrysostom, Meteora (Greece);
b) Bringing the relics of certain saints to Bucharest:
- 2008 – he took over the tradition of the Palm Sunday Pilgrimage in the great cities of the Archdiocese of Bucharest;
- 2008 – relics of Saint Paul the Apostle, Veria (Greece);
- 2008 – relics of Saint Sofronie, Patriarch of Constantinople, Corinth (Greece);
- 2009 – relics of Saint Hierarch Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea of Cappadocchia, from the patrimony of the Holy Synod of Greece (Athens);
- 2010 – particle of the wood of the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was crucified, Metropolitanate of Drama (Greece);
- 2011 – Venerated head of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Metropolitanate of Patras (Greece)
- 2012 – relics of Saint Hierarch Nectarie, healer of diseases, Egyna (Greece);
- 2013 – relics of Saints Righteous Ioachim and Ana (Cyprus);
- 2013 – Icon of the Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen, which comprises particles of the Holy Wood of the Holy Cross and of the relics of Saint Helen, and the historical icon of Saint Constantine the Gread, brought from the Metropolitanate of Conrinth (Greece).
c) Missionary activity:
- 29 November 2007 – he laid the foundation stone to the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation, dedicated to Saint Andrew the Apostle and to the Ascension of the Lord;
- May- October 2008 – renovation of the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint Emperors Constantine and Helen;
- 2008 – 2011 – extensive renovation works of the Patriarchal Residence and building a precincts wall (1.000 metres long);
- 2009 – raising six dioceses to the rank of archdioceses (Arad, Argeş, Buzău, Galaţi, Râmnic and Roman);
- Reorganisation of the Romanian Orthodox Diaspora by setting up new eparchies (Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Australia, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Spain and Portugal, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Northern Europe), or setting up parishes in some faraway countries, where the Romanians have settled in quite a large number during the last few years (Japan, Syria);
- 2009 – setting up the Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara, seated in Deva city with jurisdiction in Hunedoara county,
- 2010 – Consecration of the Holy Great Myrrh at the Romanian Patriarchate;
d) In the Archdiocese of Iaşi:
- No village without church and parochial house;
- He set up over 300 parishes, 40 monasteries and sketes, 5 deaneries and initiated and supported the construction of over 250 new churches;
- He ordained over 600 priests
e) Canonisations of new Romanian saints, anniversaries and commemorations in the Metropolitanate of Moldova and Bucovina
- – proclamation of the canonisation of Righteous Saint Prince Steven the Great, of Saint Hierarch Leontie from Rădăuţi, Saint Pious Daniil the Hermit from Voroneţ, Saint Pious Teodora from Sihla, Saint Pious John Jacob from Neamţ, Saint Pious Antipa from Calapodeşti;
- ·1992 – 350 years since the Synod of Iaşi (1642);
- – Jubilee of Neamţ Monastery – 500 years since the consecration of the church of the Ascension of the Lord (UNESCO monument);
- – jubilee – 2000 years of Christianity (International Pilgrimage to Iaşi);
- ·Jubilee of Bistriţa Monastery – 600 years of existence,
- – Colloquy on 600 years since the recognition of the Metropolitanate of Moldova and Bucovina by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1401;
- ·360 years since bringing the relics of Saint Pious Parascheva;
- – Colloquy on 360 years since the Synod of Iaşi
- Proclamation of the canonisation of Saint Hierarch Petru Movilă;
- – anniversary of 1690 years since the Edict of Milan
- Colloquy on 280 years since the passing away of Prince Dimitrie Cantemir;
- 100 years since the birth and 10 since the passing away of rev. Prof. Dumitru Stăniloae;
- – 500 years since the passing away of Saint Prince Steven the Great;
- – proclamation of the canonisation of Saint Hierarch Dosoftei, Metropolitan of Moldova;
- Proclamation of the canonisation of Saint Pious Onufrie from Vorona;
- ·– proclamation of the canonisation of Metropolitan Varlaam of Moldova;
Canonisations of new Romanian saints, anniversaries and commemorations in the Romanian Patriarchate
- Canonisation of Saints Martyrs and Confessors of Năsăud (22 – 24 October 2007);
- Proclamation of the canonisation of Saints Martyrs and Confessors of Năsăud (11 May 2008);
- Canonisation (8 July 2008) and proclamation of the canonisation of the Saints: Pious Dionisos Exigous, Prince Neagoe Basarab and Metropolitan Iachint of Wallachia (Bucharest, 26 October 2008);
- Proclamation of the Solemn year of the Holy Scriptures and Divine Liturgy;
- 130 years since the War of Independence (1877 - 1878);
- Canonisation (6 March 2008) and proclamation of the canonisation of 9 saints of Neamţ region: Pious John from Râşca and Secu, Simeon and Amfilohie from Pângăraţi, Rafael and Partenie from Agapia Veche, Iosif and Chiriac from Bisericani, Chiriac from Tazlău, Iosif from Văratec (Neamţ Monastery, 5 June 2008);
- Enrolling in the calendar of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Saint Hierarch Atanasie Patelarie III, Patriarch of Constantinople
- Proclamation of the Solemn commemorative year of the Cappadocchian Fathers;
- Brotherly visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate and to Cappadocchia – Turkey (27 May – 2 June 2009);
- Proclamation of the Sunday of the Parents and Children, on the first Sunday after 1 June, International Children’s Day;
- Canonisation of Saint Pious Ioanichie the New from Muscel (19 June 2009);
- 150 years since the Union of the Principalities, together with the Presidency of Romania and Romanian Academy;
- Local proclamation (Curtea de Argeş) of the canonisation of Saint Neagoe Basarab, of Saint Hierarch Iachint, Metropolitan of Wallachia, and of Saint Pious Ioanichie the New from Muscel (26 September 2009);
- Sunday of the Romanian Immigrants, celebrated every year on the first Sunday after 15 August
- Proclamation of the Solemn year of the Orthodox Creed and Romanian Autocephaly: 1.685 years since the Ecumenical Synod I from Nicene (325 – 2010); 125 years since the recognition of the Autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church (1885 – 2010);
- Celebration of 85 years since the raising of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the rank of Patriarchate (4 February 2010);
- Proclamation of the Solemn year of the Holy Baptism and Holy Matrimony in the Romanian Patriarchate;
- Canonisation (29 October 2010) and proclamation of the canonisation of Saint Pious Irodion from Lainici (1 May 2010);
- Canonisation (21 July 2011) and proclamation of the canonisation of Saint Hierarch Andrei Şaguna, Metropolitan of Transylvania (29 October 2011);
- Canonisation (21 July 2011) and proclamation of the canonisation of Saint Hierarch Simeon Ştefan, Metropolitan of Transylvania (30 October 2011);
- Proclamation of the Solemn year of the Holy Unction and taking care of the sick in the Romanian Patriarchate;
- Proclamation of the Solemn year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen in the Romanian Patriarchate and Commemorative year of Dumitru Stăniloae in the theological schools of the Romanian Patriarchate
- Solemn Eucharistic Year (of the Holy Confession and Holy Communion) and commemorative year of the Brancovean Saints Matyrs
- 1980 – 1988 – lecturer at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey, Geneva, and associated professor at Geneva and Fribourg, in Switzerland;
- 1988 (1 September) – 1990 patriarchal counsellor, director of the Department for “Contemporary Theology and Ecumenical Dialogue”;
- 1988 – 1990 – senior lecturer at the Chair for Christian Mission of the University Theological Institute of Bucharest;
- 1992 – 2007 – Dogmatic theology and pastoral service professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Dumitru Stăniloae” within the University of “Al. I. Cuza” – Iaşi;
- Representative of the National Synodal Commission for Religious Education (Bucharest);
- President of the Theological and Liturgical Commission of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church (former commission for education);
- Member and honorary member of the National Commission of the Historical Monuments (Bucharest);
- Member of the Executive and Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, Geneva (1991 – 1998);
- Member of the Presidium and Central Committee of the Conference of the European Churches (1997 – 2009);
- Vice-president of the 2nd General Assembly of the Conference of the European Churches, Graz (1887);
- Honorary Member for the special aid granted to the Cultural Foundation Panellinion, Iaşi (5 June 1999);
- Titular member of the International Academy of Religious Sciences, Brussels (2000);
- Since 2007 – Pastoral Theology professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Patriarch Justinian” of Bucharest
- Diploma of Honour of “Metropolitan Silvestru” Church – Cultural Society, Cernăuţi, (5 February 1992);
- Emanuel Heufeder Award, Niederaltaich Monastery, Germany (3 May 1998);
- The Order “Faithful Service” in Great Cross gradeawarded by the President of Romania, Bucharest (2000)
- Prize of “Saint Nicholas” Ecumenical Institute of Bari, Italy (26 January 2002);
- Pro Humanitate Prize awarded by “Pro Europa” European Foundation for Culture (of Freiburg im Breisgau), Berlin, Germany (2002);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Sacred Heart” Catholic University, Fairfield, Connecticut – USA (2003);
- Honorary Senator “Lower Danube” University, Galaţi (2003);
- Honorary Member of “Coriolan Brediceanu” College, Lugoj (24 October 2005);
- Doctor Honoris Causa“George Enescu” University of Arts of Iaşi (14 January 2006);
- National Order of the “Romanian Star” in Great Cross Grade”, awarded by the President of Romania, Bucharest (30 September 2007);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu (29 November 2008);
- Doctor Honoris Causa of “1 December 1918” University of Alba Iulia (30 November 2008);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad (5 December 2008);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Vasile Goldiş” University of West of Arad (6 December 2008);
- Diploma of “Pro Oriente” Foundation Protector, Vienna, National Library of Austria, Hall of Honour – Prunksaal (15 June 2009);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Saint Serge” Institute of Orthodox Theology of Paris (9 July 2009);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa (13 September 2010);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Al. I. Cuza”
- Order of Saints Kyrill and Methodius¸ the highest Czech Church distinction, Most, Czech Republic (9 October 2011);
- Order of the Cross of Saint Mark the Apostle in Great Cross Grade, the highest distinction of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, Bucharest (28 October 2011);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Lower Danube”, Galaţi (30 November 2011);
- Doctor Honoris Causa “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj (7 December 2011).
- Doctor Honoris Causa „Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest (10 December 2015)
- Doctor Honoris Causa „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest (22 March 2016)
- Doctor Honoris Causa „Politehnica” University, Bucharest (14 April 2016)