Let us gather the light of the merciful love in our souls
Message of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel addressed on the occasion of the
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18 - 25 January 2013:
The words of Prophet Micah addressed to the people of Israel '
With what shall I come before the Lord?' (Micah 6:6), which are the theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, in 2013, have a deep social and eschatological significance too.
The crucial event in the history of humankind, the humanity of the Son of God, whom we have recently celebrated in the entire Christianity, represented the beginning of the healing of humankind who was suffering because of sin, as well as a permanent renewal and spiritual growth in the love for God and our neighbour.
Every human will answer to the question 'With what shall I come before the Lord?' not so much in words, as through the light of the merciful love he or she has in the soul when in front of God. This light is the very presence of the divine grace in the soul of the faithful man, prayerful and solitary with the people in distress, poverty and loneliness, as well as peace makers and workers for unity.
While remembering the words of Prophet Micah, who predicted the Nativity of Christ - Messiah in Bethlehem (Micah 5:1-3), let us endeavour to be peace and unity makers, as accomplishers of the prayer of Jesus Christ, our Lord
'that all of them may be one' (John 17:21), which means a greater rapprochement and reconciliation among Christians, confessing the faith in Jesus Christ, and participating in the life and mission of the Church of Christ in the world, for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and salvation of the people.
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church