documents > Latest News > Patriarch Daniel about creation: Do not deform it! Do not desecrate it! Do not destroy it!

Patriarch Daniel about creation: Do not deform it! Do not desecrate it! Do not destroy it!

Each year, on June 8, we mark the World Oceans Day in order to recall the importance of oceans and the way they influence human life and the entire planet.


Repeatedly, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, has drawn attention to the necessity of protecting and preserving all creation: Our vocation is to preserve the environment, as administrators and not owners of the creation”.


On this year’s World Oceans Day, 8 June 2016, we quote a call of the Romanian Patriarch addressed to all believers. His Beatitude stresses out the importance of protecting the waters, the oceans and all creation, as gifts from God.


The entire creation is made for sanctification and blessing. This is why we, who are baptised in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, must behave in the world in such a way as to bless and hallow the place we live in and take good care of God’s creation: not to deform it, not to desecrate it, not to destroy it, not to deform the beauty of the Earth, nor that of the rivers, not to pollute the waters of the seas and oceans.


However, our many sins, which are pollution to the soul, rather often cause the pollution of the creation because there is a tie between the sinful soul and the nature desecrated by covetous humans, not responsible for the gifts received from God, which one must cultivate and pass on to future generations.


That is why the blessing of houses, of gardens and of the world that God created calls us to great responsibility.

Let us bless the gifts received from God and thank Him!



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