The Irenical letter the Patriarch of Romania

On the occasion of the Nativity of the Lord, A.D. 2012, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church addressed an Irenical letter to the Primates of the sister Orthodox Churches. We render below the content of this Irenical letter:
'For us and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man' (Orthodox Creed)
Your Holiness / Your Beatitude,
The feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ, our Lord, is the feast of God's merciful love for the world. The Son of the eternal God was made man,
for us and for our salvation, in order to give to sinful and mortal human beings the forgiveness of their sins and eternal life.
'Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched assiduously and with the greatest care' (1 Peter 1:10).
This is why the Incarnation of the Son of God, Who became Man out of unlimited love for humans, is the foundation and the heart of the Christian faith.
This holy and great saving work was also the purpose for which God created the world. Since Christ, our Lord, revealed in Himself for us God's love for humans, every human being loved by God is a sacred dwelling of Christ's presence.Â
On the occasion of the Holy Feasts of the Nativity of the Lord, of the New Year 2013, and of the Baptism of the Lord, we convey you our best wishes of good health and salvation, of peace and joy, as well as of help from God in the pastoral activity you unfold for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of the faithful!
With great esteem and brotherly love in Christ,
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church