Latest News

Gifts for the Children within the Settlement of Saint Hierarch Leontius of Rădăuţi
Consecration of the Church Monastery of the „Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple” in Rădăuţi
Prayer for peace and unity at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest
Call to prayer for peace and unity
The Patriarch of Romania officiated a memorial service for those who passed away after the fire at Colectiv Club in Bucharest
A solemn event at Cotroceni Palace
The solemn meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church
The Feast of St Pious Demetrius the New – Protector of Bucharest, at the Romanian Patriarchate
The Way of the Saints Procession – 2015
The International Theological Congress „The Relation between Parish and School in the Life and Mission of the Church in the contemporary context”
The Romanian Patriarch awarded nineteen doctors
Consecration of the Church of the „Synaxis of the Mother of God” of Bucharest
The Patriarch of Romania consecrated the iconostasis of the church of Cotroceni Palace
The synaxis of abbots and abbesses in the Archbishopric of Bucharest
The blessing of the renovated building of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest
Te Deum Service at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest
Hierarchal Divine Liturgy on the 8th anniversary as Romanian Patriarch of His Beatitude Daniel
The Meeting of the Metropolitan Synod of the Holy Metropolis of Muntenia and Dobrudgea
Patronal Feast of Antim Monastery in Bucharest
The 8th anniversary of the enthronement as Romanian Patriarch of His Beatitude Daniel
Photo events
Solemn year - 2023